

シェーファー神学校校長のアンディ・ウッズ(Andy Woods)博士は、聖書預言におけるイスラエル、エルサレム、第三神殿のそれぞれが占める重要性について、次のように語っています。

― Andy Woods, “PPOV Episode 149. Abraham Accords: Their Prophetic Significance” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNG_8Bo8on8)

When the world’s attention moves toward Israel, that’s the hour hand of the end of human history. When the discussion gets more concrete and gets more specific, and they stop talking about Israel in general and start talking about Jerusalem in particular. Now we’re no longer dealing with the hour hand at the end of the human history, but we’re the minute hand. And the they stop talking about Jerusalem and start talking about the temple mount, now we’re dealing with the second hand as the final era of time at the end of human history.


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