



ー “UN Secretary-General António Guterres affirms support for initiatives of the Higher Committee of Human Fraternity,” Higher Committee of Human Fraternity, Dec 12 2021

On Tuesday morning, Secretary-General of the United Nations António Guterres received a high-level delegation of members of the Higher Committee of Human Fraternity (HCHF), at the UN headquarters, to discuss ways to enhance cooperation in promoting human fraternity… For his part, Secretary-General António Guterres affirmed the full support of the United Nations for the initiatives of the Higher Committee of Human Fraternity, stressing his personal support for the Human Fraternity Youth Summit and the constant readiness of the United Nations to support the Document on Human Fraternity – a landmark document and the mission statement of the Higher Committee of Human Fraternity.

委員の一人で、2015年に国連事務総長候補にもなったユネスコの元事務局長、イリーナ・ボコバ(Irina Bokova)は、国連と「人類友愛のための高等委員会」の協力関係について次のように語っている。


“The United Nations and the Higher Committee for Human Fraternity share the same goals and vision in working for humanity. The Higher Committee of Fraternity believes that partnership between institutions will lead to everyone achieving these desired goals. It is time for us to unite and show the world what we can do for humanity.”

この委員会は、学会での影響力拡大も視野に入れて活動している。委員の一人、アル・アズハル大学学長のモハメド・アルマハラサウィ博士(Dr. Mohamed Al-Mahrasawi)は次のように語っている。


“We at Al-Azhar University have realized the necessity of spreading the Document and making it known among youth – this prompted us to include it in the curricula and in master’s and doctoral theses, as well as the university’s hosting of seminars and workshops that deal with aspects of the Document in detail”

今は、人類友愛という名の下で、国連と宗教界がタッグを組む時代になっている。また、アブダビ宣言が署名された日(2月4日)を祝う「国際人類友愛の日(International Day of Human Fraternity)」に米国のバイデン大統領が歓迎のメッセージを送り、アブダビ宣言の実現に向けてEUの代表団が人類友愛のための高等委員会と協議を行うなど、欧米との連携も強まっている。宗教を通したグローバリズムの広がりは、終末時代を感じさせる。




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