




ジェームス・ドブソン(James Dobson)博士は、キリスト教の視点から結婚と子育てに関する情報やアドバイスを提供する団体「フォーカス・オン・ザ・ファミリー」の設立者として知られる。ドブソン博士は、普段は終末論を語る人ではなく、若者の性や家族に関するミニストリーを行っている。しかし、WHOパンデミック条約に対する警戒を呼びかけるために、ニュースレターで次のように語っている。


I am writing you today to warn of an imminent and real threat to the sovereignty of our nation. Two of our founding fathers, President George Washington and President Thomas Jefferson, counseled America against forming misaligned alliances with foreign entities—especially those who do not share our allegiance to the principles that formed our republic. Yet, the Biden administration is on the verge of doing just that by turning our keys of self-governance over to the World Health Organization. And, mark my word, if America gives up its sovereign rule as a nation, we could well lose our sweet land of liberty and effectively forsake every generation that has fought and died for it.





…what the Biden administration wants to do is take United States decision-making authority and give it to the United Nations, and not just the United States, but all 194 nations in the world. The Biden administration is proposing amendments that would transfer the sovereign authority of every nation to make decisions over healthcare, and that decision-making power would transfer to the World Health Organization. What does this mean? Well, just think about the last three years under the COVID pandemic where we saw local governments, state governments, and our federal government make pronouncements that businesses had to close down. We were all told that we had to sit at home with the doors shut for 15 days to slow the spread.
…It is an extraordinary, breathtaking level of power that the United States government took over its people in the last three years—closing down businesses, closing down schools, mandating that people had to get shots, whether they thought they needed them or not. Mandating mask-wearing, lockdowns, mandating that churches had to close, that children couldn’t go to school. This level of emergency power is what I’m talking about, Dr. Dobson, and the Biden administration wants to take that power and give it to the World Health Organization, the UN.





 ただ、ドブソン博士、こういう話をすると真っ先にこう聞かれます。「ミシェル、どうやって実施されるんだ? 国連がどうやってそういうことを強制できるのか?」それは政治的な意志の問題です。もし米国大統領が、米国の主権を国連に委ねるのを待ちきれないという人なら、大統領がWHOの指示を実行することは目に見えています。なぜそう言えるのかとおっしゃるのなら、過去3年間を振り返ってみてください。世界保健機関(WHO)が出した指示は、米国の疾病管理センター(CDC)が何でも実行してきたではないですか。実際に、企業を見ても、WHOがこうしなさいと言ったことは、そのまま標準になっています。WHOが言えば、実施されました。だから、私たちはすでに体験済みなのです。バイデン政権の下で、すでにそうしてきたのです。

And I’ll tell you Dr. Dobson, the number one thing people ask me when I tell them about this is, “Well, Michele, how will it be enforced? How could the UN possibly enforce that on us?” It’s a matter of political will. If you’ve got the President of the United States who can’t wait to give American sovereignty to the UN, you can know that our President will also enforce the dictates. And how do we know that? Look at the last three years. Whatever the World Health Organization issued, that’s what our American Centers for Disease Control did. In fact, even look at corporations, whatever the World Health Organization told us to do, that was the standard. If the World Health Organization said it, it was enforced. So, we’ve already been there. We’ve already done that under the Biden administration.




3.主権 ― 国家は、国連憲章と国際法の原則に従い、自国の政策と法律に従って、公衆衛生、特にパンデミックの予防、医療体制の準備、対応、復旧に対するアプローチを決定、管理する主権上の権利を有している。ただし、自国の法が及ぶ地域または管轄内で行われる活動が、自国民と他国に損害を与えないことが条件となる。

3.Sovereignty – States have, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and the principles of international law, the sovereign right to determine and manage their approach to public health, notably pandemic prevention, preparedness, response and recovery of health systems, pursuant to their own policies and legislation, provided that activities within their jurisdiction or control do not cause damage to their peoples and other countries.





恒久的勧告(Standing Recommendation)

一時的勧告(Temporary Recommendation)
― “Article-by-Article Compilation of Proposed Amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005) submitted in accordance with decision WHA75(9) (2022)

Standing Recommendation
“standing recommendation” means non-binding advice issued by WHO for specific ongoing public health risks pursuant to Article 16 regarding appropriate health measures for routine or periodic application needed to prevent or reduce the international spread of disease and minimize interference with international traffic;
Temporary Recommendation
“temporary recommendation” means non-binding advice issued by WHO pursuant to Article 15 for application on a time-limited, risk-specific basis, in response to a public health emergency of international concern, so as to prevent or reduce the international spread of disease and minimize interference with international traffic;


― “Report of the Review Committee regarding amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005), Report by the Director-General,” 6 February 2023

This proposal also renders mandatory the temporary and standing recommendations addressed under Articles 15 and 16.

また、「これらの提案は、実施的に国家に対して指示を与える権限をWHOに与える(these proposals effectively give WHO the authority to instruct States)」とも語っている(新13条Aの第7項に関する意見)。



ミシェル、アメリカは自由な国だという考えはどうなったのでしょうか? 私たちは自分たちで決断し、自分たちの責任で実行するという考えはどうなったのでしょうか? この考えは、たしか聖書でも支持されています。しかし、終末時代には、世界統一政府が現れ、独裁者の承認がなければ人々が売ることも買うこともできないような支配が行われると書かれています。世界全体が支配され、政府の承認がなければ売買もできなくなる世の中になるのです。

Dr. James Dobson: Michele, whatever happened to the notion that we’re a free nation? That we’re able to make our own decisions and carry out our own responsibilities? That is supported in Scripture too, as I recall. That’s where we read that in the last days there will be a one-world government, a dominion that will keep people from buying or selling without the approval of a dictator. Where there will be worldwide dominion and you can’t buy or sell without the approval of government.




福音派教会の牧師には聞いてほしいと思います。何が起きているかに注意を払い、情報を得るようにお願いします。これはクリスチャンが知っておかなければならないことであり、戦わなければならないことなのだと、皆さんの会衆に伝えてほしいのです。これは私の意見です。 私は終末論の権威ではありませんが、これは終末時代に起こることです。言い表すことができないほど私に警戒心を抱かせるものであることを、皆さんに知っておいてもらいたいのです。

I want to speak to the pastors of Evangelical churches out there. I beg you to pay attention, to be informed. To tell your people, this is something Christians must know about and must fight. This is my opinion: I am not an authority on it, but this is end-times stuff. I’m telling you; it alarms me more than I can express.


写真:Thorkild Tylleskar (CC BY-NC-SA)


  • 「国際保健規則(IHR)の改定」を加筆・修正してWHOの権限拡大を明確化(2023年5月31日)
  1. 正式名称は「International Treaty on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response」(パンデミックの予防・準備・対応に関する国際条約)。


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